Saturday, January 18, 2014

PSLF/TNLA refuses to cooperate in census without truce

The Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta-aung National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) has refused to cooperate with the government in the census taking process throughout the area it controls, on the grounds that it is yet to sign a truce with the government.

The Union government will carry out a national census in March 2014 with UNFPA, including regions controlled by ethnic armed groups. The Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Khin Yi has said that the government will work in cooperation with ethnic armed groups in conducting the census in their regions.

“Taking a census is important for Myanmar because it’s impossible implement projects without knowing population figures. I welcome the census taking if the government has that intention, but I’m afraid there is also a hidden agenda,” PSLF/TNLA Secretary Col Tar Phone Kyaw told Myanma Freedom Daily.

He added that PSLF/TNLA recognized that the government has undertaken a series of reforms but said it is difficult to dispel the mistrust after decades of living under a military regime.

The government has stated that the national census, which will be carried out between 30 March and 10 April is intended to assist the design of future development projects.

Myanmar took its last national census 31 years ago, in 1983.

The PSLF/TNLA is one of the last ethnic armed groups not to have signed a truce with the current government, as well as the KIO/KIA.

Tun Tun Min


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